About Us


Mission Statement

TPCA is the principal advocate and leadership organization for the professional pest control industry. We encourage the highest quality education, communication, and representation to promote our industry and the public good.


History of the Association

In 1944, about 25 men met in Waco to discuss and plan an opposing position against proposed state legislation. That meeting was the beginning of the Texas Pest Control Association. Dr. C. A. Trimbos was the first elected President.  In 1951, Bob Showalter became the first association secretary, who set up training programs and started a newsletter. In 1973, an association management firm was hired, and in 1991, TPCA hired their own full-time professional staff and set up an office in Austin. In 2002, TPCA affiliated with the NPMA to provide members a three-tiered membership in a local chapter, TPCA and NPMA. In 2010 TPCA Executive Director, Ken Meyers passed away and TPCA hired Focused Solutions Association Management & Governmental Affairs, LLC. Currently, the headquarters is in Austin, Texas with Todd Kercheval as Executive Director.

Code of Ethics

Members of our Association are responsible for upholding the Association’s Code of Ethics.  The code can be found outlined below.

Relations of Members to Public

The members in their advertisement or other solicitations of business shall not use tricky, fraudulent, or misleading words or methods.

Relations of Members to Client

The members shall thoroughly analyze the requirements of their clients and shall consistently recommend the means best suited for the client’s needs.

Professional Services

The member, upon accepting a contract or service agreement, shall render skilled, intelligent, and conscientious service.

Relations of Member to Competitors

The members shall not publicly criticize the business or private affairs of a competitor.

Relations of Members to the Association

The members shall be loyal to the principles of their Association and active in its advancement.



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